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Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 20:47:34 -0000
From: "Lotus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: Mass exodus of Europe's biotech companies from GM crops

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To: <Undisclosed Recipients>
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 6:10 PM
Subject: Mass exodus of Europe's biotech companies from GM crops

NGIN - GM WATCH daily: http://www.ngin.org.uk
*mass exodus of Europe's biotech companies from GM crops
*Pro-Agro shows the gate to its research staff
[For a copy of the full report http://www.jrc.es/gmoreview.pdf]

GM Crops: Industry 0 - Protesters 1
Severin Carrell reports on the mass exodus of Europe's
biotech companies from genetically modified crops
The Independent on Sunday, 23 March 2003

Europe's biotech firms have cancelled millions of pounds worth
of research into genetically modified crops, sending the industry
into a steep slump, a new study has found.

The European Commission has admitted that nearly two thirds
of the EU's biotech companies have cancelled GM research
projects over the past four years, mainly because of the
controversy over the safety and labelling of GM crops, and
continuing consumer resistance.

The Commission also found that the number of GM field trial
applications fell by 76 per cent last year, from the 250 submitted
in 1998 to a level not seen since 1992. By comparison, US field
trial bids have remained relatively stable at about 1,000 a year.

The Commission's gloom deepened after an opinion poll of
16,500 people showed deep-rooted disquiet about GM crops.
Although 44 per cent of Europeans believed medical
biotechnology would improve their lives, only 36 per cent
supported GM foods.

Philippe Busquin, the European Research Commissioner,
complained that "unjustified fears and prejudice" were severely
damaging the EU's economic prospects.

"The increasingly sceptical climate is scaring European biotech
companies and research centres away," he claimed. "If we do
not reverse the trend now, we will be dependent on technologies
developed elsewhere."

In a bid to counter this problem, he is ploughing another ?2.25bn
(?1.52bn) into life sciences research.

The survey also underlined the public sector's increasingly leading
role in biotech R&D in Europe. Only 22 per cent of research
institutes and 25 per cent of university institutes abandoned GM
projects, compared to 68 per cent of the big biotech firms.

Anti-GM groups said Mr Busquin appeared to have ignored
evidence that investors were nervous about the viability of
biotech companies. One study by the London-based Institute
for Science in Society said share values in leading US biotech
firms dropped 43 per cent last year.

Sue Mayer, of campaign group Genewatch, said the sector
had failed to justify claims it could quickly produce GM crops
with improved nutritional or health properties, and had
suppressed damaging results from trials.

The AgBioIndia Bulletin http://www.agbioindia.org March 24,2003

Sub: Public opinion on GM crops cannot be ignored

In India, the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC),
as the name suggests, is actually mandated to approve GM crops.
It justified its existence by giving a hasty clearance to the country's
first genetically modified crop -- Bt cotton -- on March 26, 2002.
It ignored the strong public opinion, pushed scientific advise under
wraps and gace the green signal to the private seed company which
ostensibly was exerting a lot of pressure.

The result: Bt cotton crop failed. Farmers have been left in the
lurch while the company has made millions on the sale of inferior
seed, which did not stand to the claims that were made.

Far away, Switzerland's highest court has stepped in to ensure
that public opinion is not ignored. It stopped last week an outdoor
trial of genetically modified wheat due to go ahead later this month.
This ruling by the Federal Court overturned a decision by the
environment ministry in February giving the experiment the green

NOTICE BOARD: Pro-Agro shows the gate to its research staff

Failure to get approval for commercialisation of GM Mustard is
believed to be the reason for the exit of some of the top scientists
working with Pro-Agro, which is backed by the multinational firm

Pro-Agro may deny it but the industry is already talking about it.
ProAgro's research director Dr Paresh Verma, who had earlier led
the company's PR campaign on GM Mustard, and which was
eventually turned down by the GEAC, has been asked to go. He
has meanwhile joined a Hyderabad-based company, Biofeeds Ltd.

Paresh Verma had earlier claimed "based on the field trials of
the crop conducted at a total of 69 locations over the last 4 years
in both government sponsored and independent trials, it was
established that these GM mustard hybrids give a minimum of
20 per cent increase in seed and oil yield compared to the best
traditional open pollinated varieties currrently grown in India.
This yield advantage has also been confirmed in trials conducted
by ICAR."

The then Deputy director-general of Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR) Dr Mangla Rai had totally refuted
the the claims made by the ProAgro saying "only four field trials
have been conducted under ICAR's supervision and the data
generated so far do not substantiate Dr Verma's claims."


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