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Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 18:05:16 -0600
From: Teresa Binstock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Transgenic Trees Spread Mercury Poisoning

Transgenic Trees Spread Mercury Poisoning
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/18/2003

Is moving mercury from place to place really remediation? Prof. Joe
Cummins asks.

Recently, researchers tested trees genetically modified to remove ionic
mercury from contaminated soil, then convert that to volatile elemental
mercury, which is released to the atmosphere. The researchers seem to
believe that the atmospheric mercury will be relatively harmless. The
field tests were undertaken in Danbury Connecticut and supported by the
United States Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and other interested
parties [1]. Danbury is the home of mercury-polluted sites originating
from hat- making. Mercury caused mercury poisoning in workers, who get the
"Danbury shakes". The mercury "remediation" project will, however, simply
move the pollution to the atmosphere, from which it will be redeposited
over the cities of the Northeast and the lakes and waterways of northern
USA and Canada. Once deposited in the waterways and streets of cities,
elemental mercury will be converted by microbes into organic mercury that
will cause nerve damage and birth defects in humans and animals alike.

Last year, I pointed out the dangers of this form of remediation for the
cities and waters of the United States and Canada [2]. But my comments
were completely ignored by the EPA bureaucrats and the biotechnology

Worldwide, human activities resulting in emission of mercury is estimated
to be some 1900 tonnes, about three quarters from burning fossil fuels,
particularly coal. Waste disposal sites, cement manufacture and waste
incinerators made up the bulk of the remainder. Asian countries contribute
over half of the emission while Europe and North America contribute less
than a quarter. Gaseous elemental mercury makes up over half of the
emitted mercury, while divalent mercury and particulate mercury make up
the rest [3]. The emitted mercury tends to be deposited from the
atmosphere in snow and rainfall, posing serious threat to humans and
animals because elemental mercury is converted to ionic and organic
mercury after ending up in the Arctic, in Canada and Northeastern American
cities [2,4]. If phytoremediation of mercury-polluted sites were
undertaken on a large scale in North America, the global emission of
mercury could double in less than a decade.

The mercury phytoremediation scheme is based on introducing a bacterial
gene merA into the genome of plants. For efficient genetic activity in
plants, a synthetic merA gene with altered DNA sequence is used to modify
plants [5-7]. Mercury-resistant microbes are also promoted as an efficient
and inexpensive treatment for mercury-polluted water [8]. But the
anticipated widespread application of such technology has not considered
the consequence of atmospheric-pollution from mercury remediation.

In conclusion, mercury remediation using phytoremediation and bacterial
remediation, both cause atmospheric release of elemental mercury, and is
being promoted by technologists and government regulators. Such
"remediation" is no remediation at all, it is just moving the problem from
one place to another! In fact, it is moving mercury from contained
contaminated sites to the streets of cities and the bodies of water that
give us fish and drinking water.

Williams P. UGA researchers involved in first trial using transgenic trees
to help clean up toxic waste site. University of Georgia News Release
Sept. 11, 2003 http://www.uga.edu/news/

Cummins J. "GM trees alert" Science in Society 2002, 16, p.33

Pacyna E. and Pacyna J. Global emissions of mercury from anthropogenic
sources in 1995, Soil, Air and Water Pollution 2002,
137, 149-65

Renneberg A and Dudas J. Transformation of elemental mercury to inorganic
and organic forms in mercury and hydrocarbon co-contaminated soils.
Chemosphere year? 45, 1103-9

Rugh C, Wilde H, Stack N, Thompson D, Summers A and Meagher R.
ion reduction and resistance in transgenic Arabidopsis thanliana plants
expressing a modified mer A gene. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 1996, 93,

Heaton A, Rugh C, Wang N, and Meagher R. Phtoremediation of mercury and
methyl mercury polluted soils using genetically engineerd plants. Journal
of Soil Contamination 1998, 7,497-509

Kramer U and Chardonnens A. The use of transgenic plants in bioremediation
of soils contaminated with trace elements. Applied Microbiology and
Biotechnology 2001, 55, 661-72

Wagner-Dobler I. Pilot plant for bioremediation of mercury-containing
industrial wastewater. Appl. Microbiol Biotechnol
2003, 62, 124-33How GM crop trials were rigged
Indpendent on Sunday, 12 October 2003

Ministers knew of the environmental dangers, but the tests were designed
not to focus on this. Geoffrey Lean reports

In truth the GM trials, whose results will be reported on Thursday, were
always more political than scientific. And their impact - despite being
the biggest experiments of their kind conducted anywhere in the world -
will be felt most in Whitehall, Westminster and the often
disconcertingly plush offices of the big environmental pressure groups.

Their establishment, in 1999, was a political act. Michael Meacher, the
then environment minister who was already developing doubts about the
technology, pulled off a remarkably skilful coup in getting all sides to
agree to them and thus postpone the introduction of commercial GM crops
until the results were in.

At the time, several modified crops were ready to be grown in Britain
and Tony Blair would have been happy to give them the go-ahead. But
English Nature, the Government's wildlife watchdog, was raising concerns
about their effects on the environment. And a furious public row was
mounting with several newspapers - led by The Independent on Sunday -
campaigning for a delay.

Mr Meacher agrees that "the purpose behind the tests was to buy time".
But everyone gladly went along with this. Industry and government
believed that if the heat could be taken out of the issue for a few
years the public would stop worrying and learn to love the technology.

In classic Whitehall fashion, the tests - on GM maize, oilseed rape, and
sugar beet - were fixed in a way that everyone thought would enable the
technology to pass them. Everyone knew, even then, that the main danger
to the environment from GM crops was that they would cross-pollinate
with nearby plants. So the trials were deliberately designed not to
focus on this.

Instead they looked at the effects of using different kinds of
weedkillers on the crops. Over the next three years, 283 fields across
Britain were divided in half: one side was sown with the GM crops and
sprayed with the special weedkillers which they had been bred to resist;
the other was seeded with conventional crops, and treated with the usual

Pro-GM ministers asserted that the results of the trials would determine
the Government's final decision on GM agriculture. More recently
ministers and the industry have begun to be seized by the dread that it
might all go horribly wrong, with ministers stressing that the results
of the tests would be just one element in the final verdict. And so it
seems to have proved.

Leaks suggest that the results show that the weedkillers applied to two
of the GM crops - oilseed rape and sugar beet - actually did more damage
to the environment than the ones used on conventional crops. This would
be a devastating conclusion, because there is no way the farmers can
change them: the GM crops are specifically bred to tolerate them.

But the leaks also suggest that the herbicide used on the third GM crop,
maize, was actually less damaging than the one used on its conventional

So ministers started preparing plans to approve GM maize, while banning
or postponing modified sugar beet and oilseed rape.

This strategy has been torpedoed by last week's EU's ban on atrazine, the
weedkiller used on conventional maize. It has long been on the danger
list, suspected of causing cancer and "gender-bender" effects. Now it
will have to be withdrawn within 12 months.

This invalidates the tests, because they no longer reflect the real
conditions under which crops will be grown. Unless they carry out new
trials with an alternative to atrazine, ministers cannot claim that
growing GM maize is safe.

And, as the new chemical is likely to be more benign, the tests would
probably come down against the modified crop.

Crucial questions about controversial tests

What have the field trials done?
For three years, scientists tested GM maize, oilseed rape and sugar beet
by measuring the impact of weedkillers for GM crops on local weeds and
wildlife, and compared it with the impact of ordinary weedkillers. They
did not look at the effect on soil or humans, or consider whether GM
genes crossed into ordinary crops.

Why do they matter?
The results, due out on Thursday, will determine whether these crops get
commercial approval in the UK. They are expected to say that the
herbicide used on GM oilseed rape is more damaging to local wildlife
than conventional weedkillers; and that herbicide for GM maize and sugar
beet could be safer than the conventional.

What will ministers do next?
The UK's Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission will report
soon on how easily GM crops can "co-exist" with non-GM crops. It will
also decide how compensation will be paid if non-GM or organic crops are
contaminated by GM genes.

Which crops are next?
Monsanto, Bayer and Syngenta have another 20 other GM crop varieties
waiting EU approval.

What are other countries doing?
The US and Canada have millions of acres of GM soybeans and maize. The
US, China, Mexico, India and Argentina have GM cotton.

Severin Carrell

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