----- forwarded message -----
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 22:06:13 EDT
Subject: Pentagon Finds Contamination at 14 Bases

Pentagon Finds Contamination at 14  Bases
.c The Associated  Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon says  it found contamination from a toxic
chemical, perchlorate, at 14 abandoned or  scheduled to be closed military bases
nationwide. But a Democratic senator said  Friday more facilities should have
been examined.

In the report sent to  lawmakers, the Pentagon said it found the chemical in
ground water and soil  samples at closed sites in 10 states.

Perchlorate, a toxic chemical from  rocket fuel and weapons production, has
been linked to thyroid  damage.

The amounts found ranged from 1.2 parts per billion in ground  water at Fort
McClellan in Alabama, to as high as 2,890 parts per billion in  some samples
of ground water at Fort Wingate Depot in New Mexico.

There  is debate about what constitutes dangerous levels of perchlorate, but
the  Environmental Protection Agency's draft proposal for drinking water is
one part  per billion. Some but not all drinking water supplies draw on ground 

Perchlorate has been found in drinking water supplies in 29 states  and has
also been found in vegetables.

The eight-page report, issued in  response to a congressional mandate, was
more than two months overdue. Sen.  Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., released a
letter to Defense Secretary Donald  Rumsfeld Friday saying it didn't meet
congressional demands.

Feinstein  said the report should have addressed 74 potentially contaminated
closed bases -  a number contained in a General Accounting Office report from

She  also complained that the Pentagon shouldn't wait for the EPA to issue a
final  national standard for perchlorate to develop clean-up plans. The final
standard  isn't expected until 2006 and the report indicates clean-up at most
bases will  wait until then.

``This report makes clear that the Defense Department  intends to continue to
drag its feet until a federal standard for perchlorate is  adopted, wasting
precious time and exposing millions of Americans to the  hazardous effects of
perchlorate contamination of water supplies,'' Feinstein  wrote. ``This is an
irresponsible and unacceptable approach to a serious  problem.''

A Pentagon official defended the report, contending that in  some cases
remediation wasn't needed because the amounts of perchlorate found  weren't

``We believe that our response to the congressional  request for the report
was responsive, and that the concerns that Sen. Feinstein  has raised were
really outside the request of the report,'' said Alex Beehler,  assistant deputy
undersecretary of defense for the environment, safety and  occupational health.

The 14 bases listed in the Pentagon report  were:

Fort McClellan in Alabama; Fort Ord, El Toro Marine Corps Base,  McClellan
Air Force Base and Mather Air Force Base in California; Pueblo  Chemical Depot
in Colorado; Savanna Army Depot and Chanute Air Force Base in  Illinois;

Jefferson Proving Ground in Indiana; Fort Wingate Depot in New  Mexico;
Umatilla Chemical Depot in Oregon; Red River Army Depot in Texas, which  is open,
but scheduled to be closed; Camp Bonneville in Washington; and White  Oak Naval
Special Warfare Group in Maryland.

(SUBs last graf to correct  that Red River Army Depot is not closed but
schedule for closing; SUBs 1st graf  to add that some sites in study still open but
to be  closed.)

07/23/04 21:39 EDT 

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