Sounds like another good reason to go vegan...!!!  Have the legumes been
polluted yet?

plants have feelings, too? Plantimals?


on 8/11/04 1:26 PM, Will Affleck-Asch at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> ------ forwarded message ------
> Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 13:59:56 -0600
> From: Teresa Binstock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Tainted chinook found in wild - Fish testing shows wide spread of
> chemicals used as fire retardant -
> polybrominated diphenyl ethers aka PBDEs
> Tainted chinook found in wild
> Fish testing shows wide spread of chemicals used as fire retardant
> Tuesday, August 10, 2004
> The king of fish -- wild chinook salmon -- is turning up tainted with
> industrial-strength fire-retardant chemicals in the Pacific Northwest,
> showing just how far the compounds have spread in the environment.
> Wild chinook tested in Oregon and British Columbia had levels of the
> chemicals -- polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or PBDEs -- that were as
> high or higher than farmed salmon, according to a global study released
> today.
> The research was the latest blow to the good-for-your-body reputation of
> salmon, which is packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. A prior
> study by the same researchers recently found troubling levels of PCBs, a
> known carcinogen, in farm-raised salmon.
> Although PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, have been banned for
> decades, their chemical cousin, PBDEs, are still in production around
> the world. Bans in Europe, California and Maine will kick in over the
> next few years, and U.S. manufacturers voluntarily are stopping
> production of some forms of the fire retardant.
> For now, though, PBDEs are still being added to a long list of common
> household and workplace items -- from computers and other electronic
> gear to foam seat cushions and synthetic fabrics.
> And evidence is mounting that the chemicals in the products are being
> released into the environment at an alarming rate.
> The toxicity of PBDEs isn't fully understood, but the fish-contamination
> study concerns health officials and environmentalists.
> "The bottom line here is pointing out ... we have a problem with PBDEs,"
> said Rob Duff, director of the Washington Health Department's Office of
> Environmental Health Assessment. "They're rising in the environment. The
> levels are getting up there."
> PBDEs can harm neurological development and function in babies and young
> children -- just like mercury and PCBs, Duff said.
> Besides chinook, other locally caught wild salmon -- coho, chum, sockeye
> and pink -- generally had lower levels of the fire retardant than their
> farmed counterparts, according to the study.
> Among the farm-raised salmon tested, Washington fish were the least
> contaminated, with concentrations of the chemicals at slightly more than
> 1 part per billion. That's lower than the same fish tested in Europe,
> Canada, the East Coast and Chile. The highest levels were in Scotland,
> where the fish tested at almost 4 ppb.
> On average, wild fish were less contaminated, with two exceptions:
> chinook from Oregon and British Columbia, which tested at more than 2
> ppb and 4 ppb, respectively.
> It's unclear exactly how the PBDEs leach out of products, but they've
> have been turning up in everything from household dust to women's breast
> milk.
> "Add this study to the mounting evidence that shows the PBDEs are in the
> environment and moving up the food chain," said Ivy Sager-Rosenthal of
> People for Puget Sound, an environmental group.
> The results being published today in the Environmental Science and
> Technology journal come from a continued analysis of the 2 tons of fish
> examined in the PCB study.
> In both studies, the scientists generally found that farmed fish were
> more contaminated than wild fish. But the fact that the local chinook
> were as contaminated with PBDEs as the farmed variety "was a real
> surprise to us," said the study's lead author, Ronald Hites, a professor
> at Indiana University.
> Studies of Puget Sound chinook and coho also have shown levels of PCBs
> on par with farmed fish.
> Besides Hites, the study involved researchers from Cornell University,
> the University at Albany, the Midwest Center for Environmental Science
> and Public Policy and AXYS Analytical Services.
> The source of PBDE contamination is likely the salmon's food. Farmed
> fish eat a fish meal made from ground-up smaller fish, and chinook also
> eat smaller fish. The other salmon species generally eat lower on the
> food chain, feeding on jellyfish and plankton. Pollutants such as PBDEs,
> PCBs and mercury tend to build up in animals, concentrating in organisms
> higher on the food chain, such as orcas and people.
> Unlike other pollutants, there are no dietary recommendations
> restricting how much PBDE is safe for people to eat.
> Health authorities and scientists urged people to continue eating fish,
> which is a good source of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids.
> PBDEs and PCBs concentrate in the fatty tissue of the fish, so removing
> the skin and using cooking methods that allow fat to drip off can reduce
> exposure.
> People can follow state and federal dietary recommendations based on
> mercury and PCB contamination in fish and generally will be protected
> from the harmful effects of fire-retardant chemicals, Duff said.
> European countries already have banned two of the main forms of PBDEs,
> and U.S. manufacturers have promised to take them off the market by the
> end of this year. That leaves one form -- deca PBDE -- still in production.
> The forms of fire retardants most frequently found in salmon were the
> ones slated for phase-out, said Peter O'Toole, spokesman for the Bromine
> Science and Environmental Forum, an organization representing chemical
> manufacturers.
> "The logical projection is the levels will decrease over time."
> Research on laboratory animals has shown that PBDEs can disrupt thyroid
> hormones, which can affect the developing brain and have other harmful
> effects. Newborn mice exposed to PBDEs have learning and motor-skill
> problems. At least one form of the chemical is known to be carcinogenic.
> It appears that the flame retardants naturally and gradually leave the
> human body over time.
> Next month, the state Ecology Department plans to release a draft
> version of a plan to reduce PBDEs. Public comment will be accepted for
> 30 days after that.
> "These things shouldn't be out in the environment when we don't know
> what their effects are," Sager-Rosenthal said.
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