*Call for Leadership Roles in the Applied Ecology Section* The Applied Ecology Section of the Ecological Society of America (ESA) is seeking members interested in serving in leadership roles starting in calendar year 2025. The positions to be filled are:
1. Section Chair 2. Secretary 3. Council Member The Applied Ecology Section aims to promote research and organize meetings that facilitate the communication of ecological principles applied to solving practical environmental challenges, particularly those related to meeting the needs of an increasingly populous world. The Section encourages active and sustained collaboration with specialists in fields such as public policy, law, engineering, education, urban and regional planning, public health, political science, agriculture, and natural resources—all of whom apply ecological principles to address complex societal issues. If you are interested in serving in one of these roles or have questions, please contact the current Section Chair, Sarah Whipple ( sarahemmawhip...@gmail.com), by close of business on December 22nd. Decisions will be made shortly after. -- *Sarah Whipple, PhD* she, her, hers To unsubscribe from this list please go to https://community.esa.org/confirm/?u=RhPWqPxFwODKvbkiT32nkIqRrsiSgulp