BioProtection Aotearoa and the Ecosystem Mycology lab group at the University of Canterbury (UC), Christchurch NZ are excited to announce three new PhD scholarship opportunities to work on plant pathogens in indigenous ecosystems. The three PhD students will study:
1. The role of pathogens in ecosystems past — led by Maitu Prebble (UC): 2. The role of pathogens in ecosystems present — led by Ian Dickie (UC) and Kate Orwin (Manaaki Whenua — Landcare Research): 3. The role of pathogen in ecosystems future — led by Rebecca McDougal (Scion) and Ian Dickie (UC): These positions require students to start by 1 July 2025 — so please apply early if interested! All students will be based at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch NZ. Ian Dickie Professor of Ecosystem Mycology Te Kura Pūtaiao Koiora | School of Biological Sciences Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury This email may be confidential and subject to legal privilege, it may not reflect the views of the University of Canterbury, and it is not guaranteed to be virus free. If you are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and erase all copies of the message and any attachments. To unsubscribe from this list please go to