Do you have a recent college graduate (or soon to be graduate!) who may be 
interested in research? Do you have a student who has gone above and beyond 
inside or outside the classroom? Perhaps a student showing an abundance of 
creativity and drive? These students have the skills we are looking for in our 
new program for recently graduated college students.

We are excited to announce the 3rd year of the NDSU CHANGE program, which 
provides year-long mentored research experiences to recent college graduates. 
Participants will work on integrative research projects exploring how organisms 
respond to and succeed (or not) in changing environments.

Our program is an excellent opportunity for students who've had limited or no 
research experiences, and are interested in biology research. The CHANGE 
program encourages applications from first-generation college students, 
students from low-income households, and applicants from other underrepresented 

Participants will join a cohort of recently graduated students and will be 
immersed in hands-on research during our year-long program. Students earn 
$32,500, with an additional $4,000 to cover health care expenses.

Students will have the opportunity to present their research at a national 
conference with travel support from the CHANGE program.

Our program begins in summer of 2025 and runs a full year; start dates may be 
flexible based on project and participant needs. Applications due January 17th, 

For more information, including descriptions of potential research projects, 
please visit the CHANGE RaMP Network 
( -or- email Rebecca Reichenbach, 
Program Coordinator 
(<>)  or Tim 
Greives, Program Director 

Page Klug, PhD
Supervisory Research Wildlife Biologist
USDA-APHIS-WS NWRC, North Dakota Field Station
Biological Sciences Dept. 2715
North Dakota State University
PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-5060

Mobile: 701-630-3776

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