Hello, ESA friends!

As many of you know, I offer professional development training focusing on
public science engagement. Conservation success requires public engagement,
but many scientists don't know how to do this effectively.

My training focuses on basic principles and moves up to advanced tips and
tricks. Optional add-ons include writing for the public about conservation
science, speaking to journalists about your area of expertise, and using
social media for public science engagement.

I've offered this training on 5 continents and have taught over 1,000 early
career scientists and conservation professionals.

If you're interested in getting this training for your university
department, agency, or non-profit, let's chat. I can travel or I can do it

I'm happy to discuss more at your convenience.



*David Shiffman, Ph.D. *
Marine Conservation Biologist, Scientific and Environmental Consultant, and
Science Writer
Washington, DC

*e: *david.shiff...@gmail.com | *t: *@WhySharksMatter
<http://twitter.com/#!/WhySharksMatter> |
*b: *Southern Fried Science Blog <http://www.southernfriedscience.com/> |
*Online CV <http://DavidShiffmanCV.com>*
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