For those of you who are not members of the American Ornithologists' =
Union, I am making you aware of what I think is one of the most =
outstanding interviews I have seen.  In Ornithological Monographs No. 58 =
they have dedicated the monograph to him.  Included with this issue is a =
CD with a live interview in which he tells about his life.  I wouldn't =
say that the live interview was extremely detailed, however, you do get =
a very good look at the man and realize that he was an outstanding =
individual. =20
I found the interview very inspiring.
Check it out if you have acces to this issue!!
Malcolm L. McCallum
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Texas A&M University Texarkana
2600 Robison Rd.
Texarkana, TX 75501
O: 1-903-233-3134
H: 1-903-791-3843

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