Northwest Service Academy seeks a leader and members for its Clark Public 
Utilities Stream Team.  The complete team will consist of one Team Leader 
and five Stream Restoration Coordinators.

The primary goal for the AmeriCorps Team at Clark Public Utilities focuses 
on watershed restoration. Team members will contribute to this goal in a 
variety of ways including developing, planning and implementing on the 
ground restoration activities. Additional objectives to meet this goal 
include environmental education, nursery management, monitoring and 
coordinating volunteers. Our goal for the AmeriCorps members serving at 
our site is to provide quality training on proven, successful riparian and 
wetland restoration techniques. 

Stream Restoration Coordinators will have a unique opportunity to learn 
how to manage real-world salmon restoration projects (including site 
assessment, planning and implementation). Coordinators will be exposed to 
a large variety of site conditions and restoration experiences ranging 
from 1 to 20 acres on small and large stream systems. Coordinators will 
also have a great deal of individual responsibility, including a member 
specialty (volunteer coordination, watershed education, Stream Stewards 
Program, nursery management, and water/survival monitoring) and 
coordination of team members, volunteers, and work crews.

The Team Leader will supervise and manage a team of five Restoration 
Coordinators. The Team Leader is responsible for directly communicating 
with the staff to coordinate team activities, daily logistics, paperwork, 
and team progress. The leader will act as a liaison between CPU, NWSA, and 
the team and is also responsible for team development and team building.

Positions start January 14 (leader)/January 24 (member), 2008.  Benefits 
include a monthly stipend of $1,309 (leader)/$1,009 (member) before taxes, 
health insurance, a $4,725 AmeriCorps education scholarship, loan 
forbearance, childcare allowance and many training opportunities.

Apply today at! 

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