I owe some of you e-mails and will be in touch shortly.=20

This may even be more important than student travel w/respect to your =
teaching career and your students.

We have no financial interest in this. I'm a Kalamazoo College graduate =
and did all my Grad work at Michigan.=20

This comes to you from Stanford U.  and Rick Reis, Ph.D.=20

It has nothing really to do with Biology or Spanish. It has a great deal =
to do with teaching at any level.

I would be remiss to not share this resource. It is not a listserv where =
you can comment, more of a weekly newsletter from the trenches. =
Incredible stuff.

There are now over 25,000 people subscribed from all over this planet. =
Enough said.

Mike Nolan.....see below

NOTE: Anyone can SUBSCRIBE to the Tomorrows-Professor Mailing List by =
going to:


If we are on another line or away from the phone, please leave your =
number, best time to return your call and/or your e-mail address.
After hours and weekend phone appointments are available upon request.


J. Michael Nolan, Director
Rainforest and Reef 501 (c)(3) non-profit

"Outstanding-Affordable Field Courses in Rainforest & Marine Ecology"

"Spanish/Cultural Immersion Programs: Spain, Mexico, Central and South =

Rainforest and Reef 501 (c)(3) non-profit
P.O. Box 141543
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49514-1543 USA
Local/International Phone: 001.616.604.0546
Toll Free U.S. and Canada: 1.877.255.3721
Skype/MS IM: travelwithrandr
AOL IM: buddythemacaw
*Note: Please send inquiries to both e-mail addresses
Web: http://rainforestandreef.org

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