Dear Ecolog-Listerv,

I am looking for non-government organizations to sign-on to a letter =
regarding support for Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring Act =
(S. 1581). We are asking for co-sponsors (in the Senate) to the bill, =
which 1) establishes an interagency committee on ocean acidification; 2) =
establishes an interagency strategic research plan; and 3) establishes a =
comprehensive research and monitoring program within the National =
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which includes grants for =
critical research projects that explore the effects of ocean =
acidification (text of letter below).

As you know, ocean acidification not only threatens our marine =
ecosystems but also has significant potential social and economic =
consequences for the United States and other nations.

The deadline for organization sign-on is Monday Nov. 5, 5:00 PM.

I will need the following information for your organization's sign-on:

1) name; 2) title (Legislative Director or Oceans Advocate is fine); 3) =

Initial organizations signed-on include: Marine Conservation Biology =
Institute, Greenpeace, Natural Resources Defense Council, Marine Fish =
Conservation Network, The Interfaith Council for the Protection of =
Animals and Nature, EarthEcho International, Environmental Defense, =
Climate Institute, and the Gulf Restoration Network.

I hope you can join this effort and support this legislation.



Steven Lutz, Ocean Policy Analyst
Marine Conservation Biology Institute
600 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Suite 210
Washington DC 20003  USA
1 202 546 5346 (office)
1 202 546 5348 (fax)

Protecting Ocean Life Through Science and Conservation Advocacy=20


November XX, 2007

Dear Senator,

   Increasing carbon dioxide in the world=92s atmosphere is taking its =
toll on the oceans by increasing the acidity of sea water, which in turn =
threatens the stability of the marine food chain.  Senators Lautenberg =
and Cantwell have introduced the Federal Ocean Acidification Research =
and Monitoring Act of 2007 (S. 1581) to address the impacts of ocean =
acidification.  On behalf of our organizations and members, we request =
that you consider co-sponsoring S. 1581, which would establish a =
comprehensive federal research plan and program for ocean acidification. =

   Ocean acidification is the result of excess carbon dioxide from the =
burning of fossil fuels being absorbed by the ocean.  Once carbon =
dioxide is absorbed, it reacts with seawater to form carbonic acid, =
which increases water acidity and decreases the amount of carbonate =
available to sea life.  Ocean acidity has increased 30% since the =
beginning of the industrial revolution and is projected to grow to 150% =
by the end of this century, according to scientists.

   Increased acidity and reduced availability of carbonate makes growth =
difficult for marine organisms such as corals, plankton, clams, and =
lobsters that require carbonate for shell and skeleton formation.  =
Because a number of fish species and marine mammals depend on these =
organisms for food and shelter, the potential effects of ocean =
acidification throughout marine food webs are alarming.  Ocean =
acidification not only threatens our marine ecosystems but also has =
significant potential social and economic consequences for the United =
States.  Recreational and commercial fishing, and coastal communities =
that generate billions of dollars annually from coral reef tourism stand =
to be negatively impacted.  =20

    Research on the processes and consequences of ocean acidification is =
still in its infancy and many questions about the effect of changing =
ocean chemistry on marine life remain unanswered.  S. 1581 establishes =
an interagency committee and strategic research plan designed to improve =
our understanding of the environmental and economic impacts of increased =
ocean acidification.  The research plan will identify priority research =
areas such as impacts on commercially and recreationally important =
species and vulnerable eco-systems.  Studying these priority areas will =
guide research on adaptation strategies and techniques to effectively =
manage marine ecosystems threatened by acidification.  The bill will =
also establish a comprehensive research and monitoring program within =
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which includes =
grants for critical research projects that explore the effects of ocean =

   We are profoundly alarmed about the threats that ocean acidification =
poses to the United States and other nations, and recognize the need for =
immediate attention to this far-reaching environmental problem.  We =
appreciate your support for ocean conservation and respectively request =
your co-sponsorship to the Federal Ocean Acidification Research and =
Monitoring Act of 2007.

Sincerely yours,

Name, Title, Organization


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