Dear Luis,

You can access to FGDC metadata and dataset  information by typing
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment  at  or

  1 World's biomes and realms rates of land cover change (source: HYDE
Database of global land use 1950-1990)  2 Monthly average of terrestrial
surface precipitation from CRU 0.5 Degree 1901-1995 Monthly Climate
Time-Series  3 Monthly average of terrestrial mean temperature (Deg C) from
CRU 0.5 Degree 1901-1995 Monthly Climate Time-Series  4 Monthly average of
terrestrial minimum temperature (Deg C) from Climate Research Unit
(CRU) 0.5Degree 1901-1995 Monthly Climate Time-Series
5 10 minute mean monthly covariance of precipitation 1961-1990  6 10 minute
mean monthly precipitation 1961-1990  7 10 minute mean monthly temperature
(Deg C) 1961-1990  8 10 minute mean monthly diurnal temperature ( deg C )
range 1961-1990  9 Actual land area net of ice and water (GLAREAG)  10 World
population density for the year 2000 (GLDS00AG)  11 World population density
for the year 1990 (GLDS90AG - 2.5-min grid)  12 World population density for
the year 1995 (GLDS95AG - 2.5-min grid)  13 Population density for the year
2000, adjusted to UN totals (GLDSU00AGR)  14 Population-weighted mean
administrative unit area (km2): GLMADMG  15 World population count adjusted
to United Nations totals for the year 1990 (GLP90AG)  16 World population
count adjusted to United Nations totals for the year 1995 (GLP95AG)  17 Global
urban and rural mean areas (ha): GLUAREARG  18 Global urban and rural mean
administrative unit areas (ha): GLUMADMGR  19 Global population counts for
the year 2000 adjusted to United Nations totals.  20 Global urban mask,
delineating urban vs non-urban areas.  21 International protected areas
previous to year 2000, point dataset from the World Database of Protected
Areas (WDPA-2003)  22 Density-dependent Fishing Pressure Index (fishing
people x km2)  23 Sewage Pollution Index based on coastline density of
people without acces to safe sanitation  24 Tourist arrivals and tourism
expenditure for selected islands (2001)  25 Global Land Cover 2000
v1.1fromthe VEGETATION sensor on-board SPOT-4
26 National protected areas previous to year 2000, point dataset from the
World Database of Protected Areas (WDPA-2003)  27 National protected areas
previous to year 2000, polygon dataset from the World Database of Protected
Areas (WDPA-2003)  28 Global coastal system boundary (-50:50m elevations)
from 2001-ETOPO2 grid data (2-min grid)  29 Global cultivated system
boundary (1km grid) from the Global Land Cover Characteristics Dataset
(GLCCD v2.0, USGS/EDC 2000).  30 Subset of the aridity zone map (hyperarid,
arid, semiarid, and dry subhumid)  31 Global forest system boundary (1km
grid) from tree cover classifications from the Global Land Cover 2000 (
GLC2000v1.1)  32 Global Inland water system boundary from the Global Lakes
and Wetlands Database-Level 3 (GLWD-3)  33 Global island system boundary
from ESRI ArcWorld database  34 Global marine system boundary from ETOPO2
2-min grid.  35 Global mountain system boundary from UNEP-WCMC Mountain
Watch report (30 arc-sec grid, 2002)  36 Polar system boundary based on
artic and sub-artic vegetation cover (1993-2005)  37 Global urban system
boundary (1995), from the 30 arc-second grid of Urban Extents of the Global
Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP)
Arturo Restrepo
Ecological Informatics Coordinator
Global Change Data Center, NASA-GSFC
Office email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 11/1/07, Luis Gutierrez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am looking for good reviews of two UN publications:
> General Environmental Outlook 4 (GEO4), UNEP, October 2007
> Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, UNEP, 2005
> Can anyone let me know where to find them?
> Thanks,
> Luis
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Luis T. Gutierrez, Ph.D., P.E.
> The Pelican Web
> SSNV Newsletter
> ----------------------------------------------------
  • GEO4 and MEA Luis Gutierrez
    • Re: GEO4 and MEA Arturo Restrepo

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