Dear ESA members,


ESA is pleased to be a new Content Partner of EoE. Over the next few
weeks, we will be adding content from the Ecology fact sheets on EoE.
You can participate too! Find out how from the message below by EoE
Topic Editors Emmett Duffy and Mark McGinley, who are coordinating "The
Ecology Collection". We hope you will support this effort. 



Meg Lowman 

ESA Vice President for Education

New College of Florida



Dear Fellow Ecologists,


Are you alarmed that the general public seems woefully uninformed -- or
misinformed -- about critical environmental issues and basic ecological
science?  So are we.  Well, here is your chance to do something about


We invite you to join a new effort to promote ecological literacy via
the online Encyclopedia of Earth (EoE) (  With
>3,400 articles published so far and >10,000 page views per day, the EoE
has established itself as the premier authoritative source of online
information on the environment.  It combines the currency and power of
web-based collaboration with the trustworthiness of scientific content


Specifically, we are coordinating development of "The Ecology
Collection" (,
which aims to cover the basic principles of ecology in outline form to
provide "one-stop shopping" for teachers and other users needing basic,
authoritative ecology information.  Our goal is to have the collection
significantly filled out by the end of July and we seeking authors who
will pledge to contribute an article before Friday, July 11. 


Why should you contribute?  First, popular EoE articles are viewed
hundreds of times per day; traffic is growing by 20% per month. Thus,
you can reach a far greater audience compared to other forms of
publication. Second, EoE articles make a difference.  Users such as
teachers, students, decision makers and concerned citizens use EoE
content to effect change in the world. Finally, (we know that this is
important), your contribution should take little effort.  We seek
concise articles, one or a few pages, which can probably be lifted from
your existing lecture notes.  EoE staff will help make the conversion as
easy as possible. If you like, the EoE is happy to recognize your
efforts by sending a letter to your supervisor acknowledging your
contribution to this important outreach effort.


EoE and ESA share the goal to "promote and enhance ecology education for
students of all ages and for the general public."  We are very
interested to hear from you how the EoE might better serve the needs of
both teachers and the general public in building ecological literacy.
Please join us!  You can contact either Emmett or Mark or both at the
email addresses below.  


We look forward to hearing from you and hope you will contribute an
article before the July 11 deadline and help us meet our goal.




Emmett Duffy

Virginia Institute of Marine Science



Mark McGinley 

Texas Tech University


Reply via email to