I'm curious if anyone has heard of any local controversies over a "Candidate
Conservation Agreement" or CCA being thought to thwart or delay the listing
process for a candidate (to the ESA) species?  I'm doing an article on a
particular candidate endangered species, but has a CCA in place (where all
parties affected come together to try to manage the species in the interim).
But while some parties involved think it's the best thing since sliced
bread, others are saying they think that it's actually preventing the
listing by the US Fish & Wildlife Service. Of course FWS denies this. 

It's just an interesting concept and I thought I'd see whether there are any
other local controversies brewing about candidate species and CCAs
preventing the FWS listing the species in other places?

Thanks for any feedback!
Wendee (just got power back after Hurricane Ike 2 days ago - woohoo!)

     Wendee Holtcamp, M.S. Wildlife Ecology
    Freelance Writer * Photographer * Bohemian
          http://www.wendeeholtcamp.com <http://www.wendeeholtcamp.com/> 
~~6-wk Online Writing Courses Starts Nov 8~~
".to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. 
This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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