Impacts of climate on vegetation survival and mortality.

Postdoctoral fellowship:  We are seeking a motivated individual interested 
in employing either empirical or process modeling approaches to 
investigate mechanisms of vegetation survival and mortality during 
drought.  The DOE-Program for Ecosystem Research ( 
funded position is within the Terrestrial Processes group at Los Alamos 
National Laboratory’s Earth and Environmental Sciences Division 
(  This position is part of a multi-disciplinary 
and multi-institution, ~8 year project utilizing replicated, ecosystem-
scale manipulations of precipitation (+ and -) in a piñon-juniper woodland 
at the Sevilleta Long Term Ecological Research site.  As of 2009 the 
treatments are in their second year and micromet, water use, and carbon 
balance measurements are in their third year.  We utilize field, 
laboratory and model-based techniques on plant water relations, carbon 
balance and stable isotopes. Candidates with interests in any of the above 
research foci are invited to apply.  Results from this work will be of 
value to fundamental understanding of plant biology and climate as well as 
for application to climate change simulations.

Required skills include strengths in any of the above-mentioned research 
foci with a demonstrated ability to publish peer-reviewed papers; 
effective written and oral communication skills; willingness to work in a 
team environment; and a Ph.D. pending or received within the last five 
years.  Desired skills may include experience with process modeling; 
measuring plant hydraulics, gas exchange, carbohydrates, or stable 
isotopes; willingness to work in the field and a broader knowledge of 
physiological or ecosystem ecology.  

Candidates may be considered for the prestigious Director's, Oppenheimer, 
Feynman or Reines Fellowships. 

For more information please see the project webpage 
( or contact Nate McDowell 
(, and Will Pockman 
(,  To be considered for the 
position please send a resume and a very short statement of your future 
research goals to Dr.’s McDowell and Pockman.  

Reply via email to