I am doing a post on my Animal Planet blog about how military lands benefit
wildlife. I know there have been several stories out there and I just wanted
to get a few quotes from someone who works with some endangered species of
animal on US military land - it can be any species anywhere (not plants
though  this is ANIMAL Planet after all) :-)- but preferably something with
a newsy hook (recent publication? Recently listed? Some currently brewing

I want to get it up for Monday/Memorial day so the sooner the better! I
figured with such short deadline it would be better to ask here than search
out people, possibly who work with the military and may have to go through
PR people etc. 

Anyway thanks!!! 
     Wendee Holtcamp, M.S. Wildlife Ecology
    Freelance Writer * Photographer * Bohemian
          http://www.wendeeholtcamp.com <http://www.wendeeholtcamp.com/> 
~~6-wk Online Writing Course Starts Jun 6, 2009~~
I'm Animal Planet's news blogger - http://blogs.discovery.com/animal_news 

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