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Green Chemistry Leader to Head EPA Research

Paul Anastas, the Director of Yale University's Center for Green Chemistry
and Green Engineering and Teresa and H. John Heinz III Professor in the
Practice of Chemistry for the Environment, has been selected by President
Obama as EPA's Assistant Administrator for Research and Development.  He
will lead EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD), which is the
scientific research arm of EPA.

Trained as a synthetic organic chemist, Dr. Anastas is credited with
establishing the field of "green chemistry" - a term he coined in 1991 -
during his time working for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
where he was the chief of the Industrial Chemistry Branch in EPA's Office of
Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances and director of the U.S. Green
Chemistry Program. From 1999 to 2004, during the Clinton administration, he
was the assistant director for the environment in the White House Office of
Science and Technology Policy. He then served as the founding director of
the Green Chemistry Institute, headquartered at the American Chemical
Society. While there, he established 24 green chemistry chapters in
countries around the world, including China, Ethiopia, India, Japan and
South Africa. 

Green chemistry is the study of how to design chemical products and
processes in ways that are sustainable and not harmful for humans and the
environment. Dr. Anastas spoke about green chemistry at NCSE's 2007 national
conference: Integrating Environment and Human Health. 

Dr. Anastas told NCSE that if confirmed, he would "always fight for
scientists". NCSE congratulates Dr. Anastas on his nomination and looks
forward to working with him when he is confirmed as Assistant Administrator.

EPA's Office of Research & Development (ORD) is organized into three
national laboratories, four national centers, and two offices located in 14
facilities around the country and in Washington, D.C. These labs, centers,
and offices provide information and technical support to EPA program
offices, regions, state/municipal/tribal governments, and other agencies
performing environmental research, assessment, and risk management. ORD
scientists also collaborate with private-sector partners to address
important environmental issues. The National Center for Environmental
Research supports EPA's Science To Achieve Results (STAR) research and
fellowship program.



David E. Blockstein, Ph.D.
Executive Secretary, Council of Environmental Deans and Directors
Senior Scientist
National Council for Science and the Environment
1101 17 St. NW #250
Washington, DC 20036
202-207-0004 direct | 202-530-5810 general


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