Anyone on the list study raccoon dogs, preferably in China, or know someone
who does? I tried Google scholar but the few people I tried to contact who
studied (genetics) on them their emails bounced. There's apparently a pretty
horrific fur trade where they skin the poor things alive. but I'm trying to
get a few questions answered about whether these are caught in the wild or
raised on farms (or both) and check the accuracy of some of the humane
society groups etc. 

As always if you have any story ideas based on your own research you'd like
to see on the Animal Planet blog, especially if it's been "in the news"
lately and it's related to animals (sort botanists etc) let me know!

And last I have an online writing class starting Oct 17 if anyone's
interested!! :-)


     Wendee Holtcamp, M.S. Wildlife Ecology ~ @bohemianone
    Freelance Writer * Photographer * Bohemian
~~6-wk Online Writing Course Starts Oct 17, 2009~~
I'm Animal Planet's news blogger - 

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