Thanks, all this discussion made me realize that i don't wish to start
arguing with him back and forth and start showing him why i am right. He
suggested i use factor analysis instead, so to appease him, and since to me
it doesn't really matter as the neighbourhoods were already chosen, i
decided to "surrender". Maybe when i am "old and wise" (this is only my
fourth attempt to submit something), i will rebut or argue.
Thanks to all of you who helped.

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 5:41 PM, Burton Shank <> wrote:

> Hi Hilit,
> I haven't seen a really useful response to your posting s don'to thought I
> would chime in.
> You don't mention explicitly but I assume you're using nMDS for this
> ordination.  If so, the thing to keep in mind is that nMDS does its best to
> accurately portray the (dis)similarities in your dataset while compressing
> the data into a limited number of spatial dimensions.  We're used to seeing
> 2d MDS plots in publications because they are easily visualized on a flat
> page.  This does not mean that two dimensions are most appropriate for
> portraying your dataset.  Also keep in mind that the first vs second axis
> are arbitrary in nMDS, as apposed to CCA or PCA. It's just points in space,
> you can rotate and look at them from any angle with equal validity.
> I suggest one of two approaches: run the MDS with only one dimension and
> see how the indicators fall out.  If you can clearly see the segregation
> between the social status in just one dimension, then you can be fairly
> confident that your social indicators are strongly aligned with the
> strongest gradient in your dataset.  This is mostly for your peace of mind,
> as plotting data on a one-dimensional plot would confuse a lot or readers.
> For the publication, I'd first run a varimax rotation on the resulting MDS
> scores if possible.  This actually aligns the results optimally with your
> input variables (i.e it gives your axes some meaning in the context of your
> input data).  Check, your software may do this by default.  Second, include
> a biplot array in the plot, which shows how each of your variables
> correlates with the MDS axes.  If you can't generate a biplot directly,
> simply run a correlation between each of your variables and the MDS scores
> for your samples and discuss the strongest correlations (i.e. MDS axis 1 is
> strongly correlated with var 1, 3, and 6; etc.).
> Hope this helps.
> Burton

Hilit Finkler
PhD student
Zoology department
The George S. Wise Life sciences faculty
Tel Aviv University

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