Apologies for cross-posting

Terrestrial Ecosystem and climate dynamics

Up to six postdoctoral positions and two technician positions at Los Alamos
National Laboratory and one postdoctoral position at the University of
Montana are available to study past and future patterns and impacts of
vegetation mortality on the terrestrial carbon cycle and climate forcing.
The project is an interdisciplinary effort utilizing remote sensing, machine
learning, field observations, ecosystem modeling, and climate modeling. The
specific postdoctoral positions are focused on 

1) remote sensing of vegetation using Quickbird, MODIS, and other platforms
(one at LANL and one at U. of Montana), 

2) data mining and analysis of large, space- and ground-based data sets (one
at LANL), 

3) machine learning of large, spaced- and ground-based data sets (one at LANL), 

4) terrestrial ecosystem modeling using the Ecosystem-Demography/Community
Land Model (ED-CLM) and possibly other terrestrial ecosystem models,
including ecosystem carbon cycle models (two positions at LANL) and 

5) climate modeling using the Community Earth System Model (one at LANL). 

The technician positions may be focused on the machine learning and data
mining efforts, though skilled, motivated individuals with a B.Sc. or M.Sc.
will be considered for any of the above focal areas. In addition, technician
positions can be converted to graduate student positions depending on interest. 

The successful applicants will work within a large, interdisciplinary team
of staff members, postdocs and technicians linking LANL’s Earth and
Environmental Science Division, the Climate-Ocean-Sea Ice Model group, and
the International Space and Response Division. In addition, the positions
will involve close collaboration with the Climate and Global Dynamics
division of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder,
CO, the Numerical Terradynamic Simulation group (NTSG) at the University of
Montana, and ecologists within the United States Geological Survey (USGS).  

Required skills for postdoctoral fellowships include demonstrated ability to
publish peer-reviewed papers, effective written and oral communication
skills, willingness to work in a team environment, and a Ph.D. pending or
received within the last five years. Required skills for technician
positions may include experience with data mining or remote sensing, and a
B.Sc. degree. A complete description of required and preferred skills for
each specific position can be obtained by contacting Nate McDowell
(mcdow...@lanl.gov). Candidates may be considered for a Director's
Fellowship and outstanding candidates may be considered for the prestigious
J. Robert Oppenheimer, Richard P. Feynman or Frederick Reines Fellowships. 

LANL is located at 7,500' in the Southern Rocky Mountains and has >300 days
of sunshine per year and four distinct seasons.  Salaries and benefits are
competitive with industrial standards.  For general information on postdocs
at LANL please see: http://www.lanl.gov/science/postdocs/. 

For more information or to apply please send a resume and a short statement
of your future research goals to Nate McDowell (mcdow...@lanl.gov). 

LANL-EES        http://climateresearch.lanl.gov/
LANL-COSIM      http://climate.lanl.gov/
LANL-ISR        http://www.lanl.gov/orgs/isr/isr2/
NCAR            http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/tss/
Montana NTSG    http://www.ntsg.umt.edu/
USGS            http://www.werc.usgs.gov/person.aspx?personID=138 and         

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