I would like advice from the conservation community regarding career paths in 
conservation in 

I have been given the opportunity to undertake a great PhD looking at 
human-elephant conflict 
from a primarily social science perspective. As an conservation ecologist with 
both wildlife research 
and community conservation management experience, I am interested in this issue 
and feel that it 
could be a good move, but I am concerned that it will lead me away from my 
desire to work 
directly with wildlife conservation issues in the future.

My ambition is to ultimately work in a national park or reserve in Africa, 
while still engaging with 
local communities on CBNRM type projects but also hopefully running wildlife 
monitoring projects 
and other conservation activities. Would this be more the job description for a 
manager rather than a researcher?

I know that is not neccessary to have a PhD to become a conservation manager,  
but perhaps given 
the current trend in linking conservation with community development, the 
experience will be 
valued for this kind of job.

My question is do you think that taking on this social science PhD will 
contribute or deviate me 
from my goal to work with on conservation in a National Park? 

Thanks for your advice!


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