Save the Redwoods League supports basic and applied hypothesis-driven research 
on the biology and ecology of coast redwood and giant sequoia forest ecosystems.

To conserve and restore these ecosystems in the coming decades, the League 
funds research that expands our understanding of ecosystem function, community 
interactions, rare and threatened species, and the impact of climate change on 
redwood forests. We welcome proposals on all topics that advance our 
understanding of these ecosystems.

In 2011, we are especially interested in projects that focus on one of the 
following topics:

How effective are forest restoration techniques?
How is climate change impacting forest biogeochemical cycling?
How is wildlife affected by forest management?
How does fire impact young and late-seral forests?
Grant applications are due Friday, November 4, 2011, before 6 p.m. PDT.

Visit Grant Application Guidelines for more information about applying.
Visit Redwood Ecosystems Research to learn more about research the League has 
supported since 1997.
Please contact with questions about the Research 
Grants Program.

Emily Limm
Director of Science
Save the Redwoods League

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