Looking for a fun and challenging research experience this summer? The
National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS)
is now taking applications for its eight-week long summer research
program for undergraduates (REU) interested in research at the interface
between mathematics and biology. The program takes place June 11 -
August 3, 2012 on the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, campus.
Undergraduate majors in biology, math, and related fieldswill live on
campus and work in teams with UT professors, NIMBioS researchers, and
collaborators to conduct research. Among this year's research topics are
disease modeling, evolution of sexual imprinting, genome evolution, and
development of natural plant pesticides. Stipend and housing are
provided along with some funding for travel. Participants will also have
their registration covered to attend the 2012 Society of Mathematical
Biology annual meeting, July 25-28, in Knoxville.

*Application Deadline:  February 17, 2012*

For more information about this year's program and an online
application, go tohttp://www.nimbios.org/education/reu

For more information about NIMBioS, go to http://www.nimbios.org or
contact Kelly Sturner, NIMBioS Education and Outreach Coordinator, at
kstur...@nimbios.org or Suzanne Lenhart, NIMBioS Associate Director of
Education, Outreach and Diversity, NIMBioS, lenh...@math.utk.edu

Catherine Crawley, Ph.D.
Communications Coordinator
National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
University of Tennessee
1534 White Avenue, Suite 400
Knoxville, TN 37996-1527
e ccraw...@nimbios.org <mailto:ccraw...@nimbios.org>
t +1 865 974 9350 <tel:%2B1%20865%20974%209350>
f +1 865 974 9461 <tel:%2B1%20865%20974%209461>
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