Title: Field Technician for Least Tern and Wilson's Plover Resighting

Agency: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Location:  near Cape Lookout National Seashore, NC

Job Type: Full-time, temporary

Duration:  15 April-15 Aug, 2012.

Application Deadline:  15 Jan

Job Description:  Assist graduate students in the 3rd year of a collaborative 
research project investigating the behavioral and demographic effects of 
military overflights on shorebirds. Focal species include Least Tern and 
Wilson's Plover.

Primary duties include re-sighting color-banded Least Terns and Wilson's 
Plovers.  Additional duties may include surveying waterbird colonies.

Qualifications: B.S. in Wildlife Science or related field and previous field 
experience re-sighting color-banded birds. Experience surveying colonial 
waterbirds is preferred but not required. Successful applicant will be 
adaptable, detail-oriented, enthusiastic, and able to work and live 
harmoniously with others on a remote barrier island in Park Service housing. A 
valid driver's license is required and experience operating 4WD vehicles, ATVs 
and boats is desired.

Salary: $400/week + free housing

contact: Send cover letter and resume with academic background, work 
experience, and contact information for 3 references to Matthew Hillman 
(mhill...@vt.edu) and Audrey DeRose-Wilson (ader...@vt.edu), or mail 
application to Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Tech, 
100 Cheatham Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0321 (electronic applications 
preferred). Virginia Tech is an EO/AA employer.

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