Final Call - Please Post and Distribute

Deadline for applications to the 2012 GCA Zone 6 Fellowship
in Urban Forestry is January 31st, 2012!!

The Garden Club of America<> is offering national 
urban forestry fellowships, made possible through the generous donations of its 
Zone VI members, national membership, and Casey 
Trees<>.  The fellowships serve as one way that the 
Garden Club of America seeks to fulfill its goal of advancing knowledge of 
urban forests and increasing the number of scientists in the field of urban 

Multiple fellowships in the amount of $4,000 each will be awarded to graduate 
or advanced undergraduate students studying urban forestry, environmental 
studies, horticulture, forestry, or a closely related field at any four-year 
college or university degree program in the United States.  Applicants must be 
U.S. students who will be enrolled as juniors, seniors, or graduate students 
during the fellowship period (2012-2013).  Fellowship recipients may apply for 
one additional year of funding.
For application forms and instructions, visit the Garden Club of America 
Fellowship in Urban Forestry 
website<>.  For more 
information, email<> the selection committee.  
The application deadline is Jan. 31, 2012.

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