*EcoHealth* proudly announces our 2nd Biennial International Art
Competition.  We would like to extend an open invitation to students,
graphic artists, and any other interested individuals to participate.
Artwork should exemplify the IAEH mission: *To strive for sustainable
health of people, wildlife, and ecosystems by promoting discovery,
understanding, and transdisciplinarity.*

The top nominees will be displayed during the biennial EcoHealth 2012
conference in Kunming, China from October 15-18, 2012. The winning artwork
will be decided during this event, which will include *$1,000 for first
prize, $500 and $250 for 2nd and 3rd, and one-year subscriptions to the
print-version of the journal EcoHealth*. Artwork will be judged upon its
relevance to the mission of our organization and winners will have a chance
to be featured on the cover of an upcoming issue of *EcoHealth*.

Be creative! We welcome all forms of art that can fit on the cover of

Please submit a hi-res file of your artwork along with a brief statement
about the art piece no later than the end of the business day on *April 01,

For more information on how to submit and the competition’s rules, please
visit this webpage:


Past winners may be viewed at http://ecohealth.net/events_art2010.php

Chia-Yi Hou
Editorial Assistant, *EcoHealth*
Program Assistant, EcoHealth Alliance

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