---- Nadine Lymn <nad...@esa.org> wrote: 
> Colleagues-
> Please consider this actual example.  A scholar receives a letter from the 
> managing editor of a journal saying his article had been accepted for 
> publication.  Sometime later, the author receives another letter from the 
> senior editor of the same journal asking the author to add citations from his 
> journal.  Specifically the editor writes, "you only use one (name of my 
> journal) source which is unacceptable. Please add at least five more 
> relevant-(name of my journal) sources."  
> Notice that this citation request does not mention omitted content or 
> shortcomings in the manuscript's analysis; it simply asks the authors to cite 
> related articles in the editor's journal.  
> This practice is controversial.  Some view it as inappropriate behavior, 
> padding citations and diluting the value of the reference list.  Others see 
> it as a legitimate way to introduce readers to past literature in the 
> editor's journal.  This continuing study investigates this issue and we need 
> your help.  Would you please take a moment to complete the following 
> survey?-it will take only a few minutes.  If you consent to this survey just 
> follow the link provided below.  
> As required by our Institutional Review Board, individual identities will not 
> be revealed or linked to specific responses.  In fact, SurveyMonkey(c) does 
> not connect responses to responders; we cannot identify you.  IRB contact 
> information:  i...@uah.edu
> Thank you for your help. 

Certainly a reviewer or an editor is within reason (and indeed within 
responsibility) if an author has neglected relevant, important information from 
the literature in pointing that out.  To simply request (or worse, require) 
additional citations, without consideration of specifics, is inappropriate.


> Link to survey:  http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/listserves
> Allen Wilhite
> Department of Economics
> University of Alabama in Huntsville
> wilhi...@uah.edu
> Eric A. Fong
> Department of Management
> University of Alabama in Huntsville
> fo...@uah.edu

David McNeely

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