Postdoctoral and technician positions are available in the Zanne lab at
George Washington University in Washington, DC, beginning August 2012, with
the potential to begin fieldwork near St. Louis, MO in June 2012. Support is
available for multiple years for the postdoc and a single year for the
technician to participate in an NSF-funded project, which examines the
influences of plant traits and fungal community composition on wood
decomposition rates in the Ozark Highlands Ecoregion as climate changes.
Potential additional field sites include Appalachians, USA and NSW,
Australia. The postdoc will be responsible for fungal identification, using
both traditional techniques (field collection and culturing) and molecular
methods (targeted sequencing, environmental DNA extraction and
next-generation based metagenomics) with encouragement to further develop
the project according to his/her own interests. Opportunities will be
available to spend time in collaborating labs that specialize on fungal
identification, enzyme analysis and genomics. The technician will work
closely with the postdoc and help to establish the lab. In both cities,
there are strong links among institutions, including ties to the Missouri
Botanical Garden and the Smithsonian. George Washington University is
located in the heart of DC, with easy access to numerous science-,
conservation-, and policy-based institutions. Motivated applicants with
skills in mycology, molecular biology, phylogenetics, and bioinformatics are
especially encouraged to apply. Postdoc applicants should have a PhD in a
relevant field and strong writing and quantitative skills. Technician
applicants with an MSc in a relevant field are preferred but Bachelors
applicants will be considered. Applications will be reviewed as received and
the positions remain open until filled. Applications should include a
research statement, including relevant skills for the project and future
goals, for the postdoc (1-2 pages) and research interests and relevant
skills for the project (1 page) for the technician, curriculum vitae, and
contact information for three references (including emails and phone
numbers). Materials should be sent to Amy Zanne: 

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