Instructor positions open with the CIEE Sustainability and the Environment 
Program at Monteverde, Costa Rica.  

The Council on International Educational Exchange is seeking highly motivated, 
experienced, and team-oriented instructors for the intensive, interdisciplinary 
semester study abroad program “Sustainability and the Environment at 
Monteverde, Costa Rica”.  Instructors will serve as members of a team of 
faculty and support staff that delivers dynamic, inquiry-based, and integrated 
hands-on learning experiences to environmental studies/science majors at our 
base in Monteverde as well as on field trips through Costa Rica and Nicaragua. 

Currently there are full-time teaching positions open for Fall 2012 for core 
courses and the internship program.  Core courses focus on topics in these 
broad realms: (1) tropical conservation biology and policy; (2) sustainable 
development; and (3) natural history and ecology.  Additionally, instructors 
will supervise students interning with local organizations or businesses in 
projects that advance sustainability in the local community. 

Responsibilities. Full-time instructors generally teach 2 core classes, which 
includes planning, delivering, and coordinating lectures, laboratories, field 
outings and diverse activities.  Additionally, they provide academic 
supervision and monitor progress in student internships; they also provide 
guidance to the internship agencies if needed.  Instructors also travel 
extensively (about 4 weeks in total) with participants to carefully chosen 
destinations around Costa Rica and Nicaragua to undertake studies integral to 
the curriculum.  Instructors should be available for academic counseling upon 
request, and capable of advising students on how to find other counseling if 
needed.  Contact hours are extensive in this concentrated and vibrant program, 
and may include evening and weekend commitments.   

Qualifications.  Applicants should hold an M.Sc. (minimum) or Ph.D. 
(preferred), have experience teaching US undergraduates, and have extensive 
knowledge about and long-term experience in Costa Rica.  They should have 
expertise in sustainability, natural resource management, tropical ecology, 
international affairs, or natural history.  Applicants should be bilingual 
(Spanish and English) and bi-cultural (Latin and North American).  They should 
have a very strong desire and demonstrated commitment to teach, and be willing 
and able to act as role models.  They should be progressive teachers and 
mentors relate well to US undergraduates.  They should have demonstrated 
capacity to work as part of an interdisciplinary team.  Applicants should be 
willing and able to work with local organizations and individuals in the 
internship program, in creative, constructive, and resourceful ways.  Being 
flexible, adaptable, positive, energetic, and creative are highly valued traits 
for these positions.  

Institutional Mission. CIEE is a non-profit, non-governmental international 
exchange organization, dedicated to the mission of helping people gain 
understanding, acquire knowledge, and develop skills for living in a globally 
interdependent and culturally diverse world.  Expansive globalization has made 
international exchange more relevant and critical than ever, not only for 
competitive advantage but also for compassionate understanding.  Cultivating 
the next generation of global citizens who can adaptively lead in a dynamic, 
interconnected world is the overarching goal of CIEE. To that end, CIEE labors 
on three fronts: university exchange programs (both inbound and outbound), 
advocacy for international education and exchange, and advancement and 
dissemination of knowledge.

Program Goals.  The principal goal of the Program in Sustainability and the 
Environment at Monteverde, Costa Rica is to provide students with 
transformational experiences that facilitate their development as future 
leaders in sustainability and conservation movements, in any part of the world, 
and at any scale they choose.  To this end we supply rich opportunities for 
students to ask questions, amass knowledge, acquire skills, and apply concepts 
in practice.   We partner with community organizations in Monteverde in order 
to advance their sustainability and environmental protection practices and to 
provide students with first-hand experiences with local leaders working on 
global issues.  We promote cultural awareness and exchange with our emphasis on 
language acquisition and via our partnership with families in our homestay 
program.   Students leave the program transformed, and empowered to transform.
Start date and salary: August 2012.  Salary commensurate with experience and 
To apply.  Applicants should send a cover letter explaining their commitment to 
advancing the goals of the program, a curriculum vitae, and names of three 
professionals who are willing to be contacted as references to and  Deadline: 15 May 2012.  

Karen L. Masters, PhD
Resident Director: Program in Sustainability and the Environment
CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange
Apartado 43-5655
Monteverde, Costa Rica
(506) 2645-7626 (telefax)

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