I've had good feedback from students in my ecology and conservation biology classes about spending the first few minutes of each class on some story in the news that relates to the class. Comments from the students suggested that they appreciated my effort to show them how the material they were learning related to life outside the classroom.

Environmental Health News, which is put out daily and you can get in an e-mail message, is one good source for such stories. Here's a link to today's issue: <http://newsletters.environmentalhealthnews.org/read/archive?id=5587&mid=42231&e=inouye%40umd%2eedu&x=8b49b2cb>http://newsletters.environmentalhealthnews.org/read/archive?id=5587&mid=42231&e=inouye%40umd%2eedu&x=8b49b2cb

David Inouye

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