Dear Ecologgers:

I would like to run a series of multi-state models in Program MARK with my
mark-recapture data.  Yet, my experience w/multi-state modelling is
limited, as my inquiry below will suggest:

I simply seek any advice on efficient and preferred methods for formatting
data into Encounter Histories for multi-state models.

In the past I have used pivot tables in Excel to develop numerical
encounter histories for Jolly-Seber models, though since pivot tables do
not preserve text (which are used to identify different states…eg. ABA0CA)
this method is not an option for multi-state encounter histories.

I presume this can is done by most in R?  Rmark?  Any easier/more preferred

Thanks for your time and assistance.  I look forward to receiving your

Best regards,

Dave Daversa

*David Daversa*
*PhD Student
Evolutionary Ecology Group, University of Cambridge
Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London** <>

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