Blandy Experimental Farm has some wonderful fellowship opportunities for 
undergraduate and graduate students and postdocs during summer 2013.  The 
opportunities are open to applicants from any college or university.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU):

The program emphasizes experimental, field-based approaches to a wide 
variety of topics such as plant-animal interactions, pollination ecology, 
landscape ecology, and ecosystem ecology.  Successful applicants will 
receive a $5500 stipend, additional money for food, and free housing.  Each 
student picks a research mentor from our pool of faculty members and 
graduate students and then conducts an independent research project.  The 
students will gain experience in experimental design, data collection, 
analytical techniques, and written and oral presentation of findings.  REU 
students also benefit from several professional development workshops.

This is a truly wonderful opportunity for an undergraduate student 
contemplating a future in science.

To apply:

Graduate and Postdoc Research Fellowships:

Summer stipends ($6000 per summer), free on-site housing, and funds for 
research ($750 per summer) are available for a limited number of graduate 
students or postdocs proposing original research that uses our resources and 
facilities and contributes to the ongoing science program at the station. 

Interested students/postdocs should contact a Blandy faculty member to 
discuss your ideas about conducting research at Blandy.  You can direct your 
inquiries based on the faculty member with the closest match to your 
research interests; however, we are open to all fields of environmental, 
ecological, and evolutionary research.

Dr. Kyle Haynes (population and landscape ecology, forest insect dynamics)
Dr. David Carr (plant reproductive ecology, inbreeding and genetic 
Dr. T'ai Roulston (pollination, plant-animal interactions, bee biology)

For more information about the station:

Thank you,
Kyle J.  Haynes
Associate Director, Bland Experimental Farm
University of Virginia

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