Due to the many requests I've received, I am reposting the list of
evolution-related videos I have gathered, including the original video I was
looking for. 

Evolution: Addressing some misconceptions and explaining some of the
basics-The original video I was looking for and, in my opinion, the best and
most appropriate for showing to most audiences because it both explains the
basics, does it in a relatively entertaining style, and carefully identifies
and debunks many misconceptions about evolution. (thanks to John Kupfer!)



Creature Comforts-a Claymation british television production in which
people's perceptions and misconceptions about evolution and natural
selection are discussed by animals. A good foil to the first video because
it illustrates the level of understanding and discussion among the general
public, and their misconceptions in a purely entertaining way.



What is evolution-The basics of evolution in flash animation. A little long
and dry, but good. 



Baba Brinkman is a performance rap artist who did an album called 'The
Evolution of Rap' (pay what you like and available for download (
<http://www.bababrinkman.com/music/> http://www.bababrinkman.com/music/). He
made several outstanding music videos that make evolution interesting and
touch on basics of evolution and natural selection, debunking
anti-evolutionary ideas and featuring ideas on human evolutionary
psychology. These aren't really teaching tools, but make people interested
and excited. Very listenable, too! One more thing. Baba has a new Broadway
show called Ingenious Nature and he will be going on tour soon, and is
available for booking. 


Baba Brinkman-Natural selection (

Baba Brinkman-Performance, Feedback, Revision. (

Baba Brinkman-Survival of the Fittest (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbXDJveODTk )



Bruce Robertson

Assistant Professor of Biology

Division of Science, Mathematics and Computing

Bard College

30 Campus Drive

Annandale-on-Hudson, New York 23504

Email:  <mailto:brobe...@bard.edu> brobe...@bard.edu

Office: 845-752-2332

Homepage: brucerobertson.weebly.com




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