The Scientific World Journal announces a call for papers on plant ecology and 
evolution in harsh environments.  We invite investigators to contribute 
original research articles as well as review articles which advance our 
understanding of the role harsh environments have played in all aspects of the 
ecology and evolution of vascular and nonvascular plants, as well as that of 
algae and fungi.  Researchers working with plants found on harsh 
substrates such as guano deposits, mine tailings, saline or alkaline flats, 
serpentine, limestone, and other rock outcrops are invited to submit 
manuscripts on their research.  Researchers working with plants found in 
extreme environments such as alpine and arctic settings or man-made habitats 
such as agricultural settings, pavements, roadsides, roof tops, and waste 
disposal sites are similarly encouraged to submit manuscripts.  
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

-Adaptation to and speciation in extreme habitats
-Ecophysiology of stress tolerance
-All aspects of plant ecology, including cross-kingdom interactions, related to 
harsh environments
-Evolutionary ecology and genetics of stress tolerant plants including 
ecological and evolutionary challenges to stress tolerant plants stemming from 
global climate change
-Applied ecology, including the restoration and conservation of extreme 

Before submission authors should carefully read the journal's Author 
Guidelines, which are located at  Prospective authors should 
submit an electronic copy of their 
complete manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking System at  Manuscripts 
must be submitted by Friday, August 2, 2013. 

Questions regarding the special issue can be directed to one of the Guest 

-Nishanta Rajakaruna (, College of the Atlantic, Bar 
Harbor, Maine
-Robert Boyd (, Auburn University, Alabama
-Tanner Harris (, WRA, Inc., San Rafael, California

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