The Division of Environmental Biology (DEB) at the National Science Foundation in Arlington, VA, is looking for a Division Director. This is a position for a rotator rather than a permanent position; rotators in DEB typically hold a faculty position from which they either are assigned to NSF or take a leave to be directly employed by NSF for one to four years. The salary range is $155,550 to $174,460 per year.

For information and to apply, please go to

Most ECOLOG-L subscribers will probably recognize DEB as the division of NSF that funds most ecological research, through its four clusters:

<>Ecosystem Science Cluster
<>Evolutionary Processes Cluster
<>Population and Community Ecology Cluster
<>Systematics and Biodiversity Science Cluster (SBS) has more information about the Division. Not surprisingly, the Division Director is often a member of the Ecological Society of America (e.g., the current and previous one were).

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