Hi All,

A friend of mine just tuned me into this listserv. Very Cool. 

I have been working on a similar project and we finally launched 
today!!!...It’s called greener50.

I'm going try this in the least "spammy" way I can.... But seriously, this is 
really cool!

www.greener50.com  is a home for anyone interested in being green, living 
eco-conscious, or simply wishing to learn what being “green” is all about. It 
is a website that connects eco-minded people, businesses and organizations 

As an Individual you can search eco-friendly business, Learn from other g50 
members, post updates, share what you know, search for jobs, connect with other 
like minded people, businesses, and non-profits, and so much more... Think eco 
social-networking / education / business directory.
As a Business or Non-profit you can connect with greener50’s ever growing 
community, get featured on the home page, create a listing in the business 
directory, promote your event, offer special g50 coupons, post job openings, 
and much more…
This is NOT a side just a side project of ours, we have poured our heart and 
hundreds of hours into this venture in the hopes we can actually make an impact 
in the world, help educate others along with ourselves and help businesses who 
are doing great things continue to do those great things in their community and 

My co-founder (Rick) and I are extremely excited about this, Now we need your 
help to grow the community. Please take a look around, sign-up, get involved 
and share! Together we will create the biggest community of eco-minded 
individuals, businesses, organizations, and non-profits the planet has ever 
seen. PLEASE pass along to your friends, family and businesses you think could 

Thanks everybody 

Matt Neidenberg 

co-founder | executive | visionary | regular guy




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