Since its inception in 1968, the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) has been the site for over 50 whole-ecosystem experiments to investigate the effects of anthropogenic activities to aquatic ecosystems including: flooding, drawdown, water diversion, eutrophication, acidification, atmospheric mercury deposition, and aquaculture. As part of these whole ecosystem experiments, extensive data have been collected for up to 43 years on fish populations, hydrology, water chemistry, food web structure, primary production, zooplankton abundance, meteorology, and many other factors.The breadth and completeness of these datasets represent a truly unique opportunity to examine linkages between fish productivity and the underlying food web.

We are seeking a highly-motivated individual to examine relationships between fish production, primary production, secondary production, and physical and chemical variables in these boreal lake ecosystems.The successful candidate will use the ELA long-term datasets to quantify the drivers of variation in fish productivity. Given the experimental treatments imposed on ELA lakes, there are very good opportunities to evaluate the effects of ecological stressors both in isolation and in combination with potential background stress (e.g., climatic variability).

Start date for the position is September 2013, but depending on the timing of release of funds and identification and availability of an appropriate candidate, could begin earlier. This is a 2–year position that will be based at the Freshwater Institute (Department of Fisheries and Oceans) in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and is funded through NSERC’s Visiting Fellowship program.

Candidates must have completed (or will soon complete) a PhD, with experience in fish biology/ecology and/or limnology with a strong quantitative skills in statistical and/or modelling approaches to addressing ecological questions. Knowledge of mark-recapture methods (e.g., program MARK) and familiarity with databases (e.g., MS Access) are significant assets for the position.In order to be considered, potential candidates must be eligible for, and submit an application to, the NSERC visiting fellowship program ( individuals should also send a cover letter, up-to-date CV, 3 representative publications and contact information for three references to:

Michael Rennie

Research Scientist, Fisheries and Oceans Canada

501 University Crescent

Winnipeg, MB


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