Posting for Austin Mast...

> Dear Colleagues,
> I would be grateful if you would forward this on to any potential
> candidates. Thanks!
> Postdoctoral Position in Public Participation in Digitization of
> Biodiversity Collections
> A postdoctoral position is available with iDigBio in the research group of
> Austin Mast (Department of Biological Science, Florida State University;
> to study engagement of the
> public in the digitization of biodiversity research collections, produce
> best practice and standards documents related to this in collaboration with
> relevant stakeholders, and assist in the design of interoperability between
> the iDigBio portal/cloud, public participation tools, and public
> participation content management systems.  iDigBio ( is
> the central resource for NSF's Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity
> Collections Program (ADBC), and it is located at the University of Florida
> and Florida State University.
> There are approximately 1 billion biodiversity specimens at US
> institutions, but only about 10% of these are digitized (e.g., databased,
> georeferenced, and/or digitally imaged).  ADBC is funding large-scale,
> collaborative digitization by thematic collection networks (TCNs) focused
> on particular research themes.  Seven TCNs involving 134 institutions
> have been funded to date, with more to be announced in July.  Among other
> activities, iDigBio is overseeing implementation of standards and best
> practices for digitization in this community and developing a cloud
> environment for existing and future digital content about biodiversity
> specimens and a portal to it.
> A Ph.D. in a relevant field (e.g., biodiversity research, biodiversity
> informatics) is required, as is demonstration of (1) familiarity with
> biodiversity collections and some aspect of their digitization, (2)
> familiarity with (or interest to learn) relevant principles of informatics,
> (3) successful collaboration and time management skills, and (4) successful
> written and oral communication skills.  The postdoctoral scholar will be
> expected to interact positively and productively with a wide range of
> people (more so than in many other postdoctoral positions), including other
> members of iDigBio, members of the large ADBC community (e.g., in working
> groups and workshops), software developers working on digitization tools,
> other members of the citizen science community, and members of the public.
> Annual salary starts at $40,000, and the position is expected to be for
> two years.  It is based in Tallahassee, Florida, a small state capital
> bordered on the south and west by the Apalachicola National Forest and on
> the north by the historical hunting plantations of the Red Hills Region.  
> White-sand
> beaches, clear freshwater springs, and hiking and biking trails are within
> easy driving distances of town.  The region is one of North America's
> biotic hotspots.
> To apply, send a cover letter and CV with contact information for three
> references in a single pdf file to Austin Mast (  In
> the cover letter, please cite past activities that demonstrate each of (1)
> through (4) above as well as provide the date on which you could start the
> position and a paragraph or two on your long-term career goals and how you
> see this position fitting into them.  Applications will be considered
> beginning on July 8 until the position is filled.  Florida State
> University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
> With best regards,
> Austin
> Austin Mast
> Associate Professor
> Director of the Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium
> Associate Editor, Systematic Biology and Systematic Botany
> Member of the Steering Committee of iDigBio, The National Resource for
> Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections
> Department of Biological Science
> 319 Stadium Drive
> Florida State University
> Tallahassee, FL 32306-4295
> U.S.A.
> Office:  King Life Science Building, room 4065
> Lab:  King Life Science Building, rooms 4068 and 4084
> Herbarium:  Biological Science Unit One, room 100
> Voice: 1 (850) 645-1500
> Fax:  1 (850) 645-8447

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