I have an article coming out July 1 on the quite impressive EARTH University
in Costa Rica, and how they've transform the banana industry in that area
(their bananas are sold at Whole Foods ­ they're not organic, but they are
grown in between shade trees, and they've cut way down on the use of
chemicals, etc). Here's where i need your helpŠ

Anyway, so this pub (Environmental Health Perspectives ­ ehponline.org)
requires citations, and I am desperately looking for a study to reference
that backs up a statement I made that traditional banana plantations are
inhospitable to wildlife (or, at least, have much less wildlife than say a
shade-grown plantation). I looked online, ad in Google scholar, and just
can't seem to find anything but it seems obvious there MUST be such a study!

Any suggestions? 

Wendee Nicole, M.S. Wildlife Ecology  ~ Freelance Writer * Photographer *

Web: [ http://www.wendeenicole.com ]
Blog: [ http://bohemianadventures.blogspot.com ]
Twitter: twitter.com/bohemianone
Email: wendeenic...@nasw.org

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