Dear colleagues,

Registration for the course "NETWORK TOOLS IN BIOSCIENCES" is now open!.

INSTRUCTORS: Dr. Diego Rasskin-Gutman (Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i
Biologia Evolutiva, Spain) and Dr. Borja Esteve-Altava (Institut Cavanilles de
Biodiversitat i Biologia Evolutiva, Spain).

DATES: July, 14-18, 2014. 34 teaching hours.

PLACE:  Facilities of the Centre de Restauració i Interpretació de Els Hostalets
de Pierola, Els hostalets de Pierola, Barcelona (Spain).

Many features and processes of biological systems can be well represented by
networks of interacting elements. In the last decades, network analysis has
provided new insights into the organization and functioning of complex
biological systems such as brain wiring, genetic regulation, or ecological
dynamics. A basic knowledge on network modelling and network analysis will
provide biologists a better understanding of cutting-edge research in their
fields. This course will introduce participants into the analysis of complex
biological systems using network models. Students will learn the basics of
network analysis: gathering information, building network models, and interpret
the outcomes of their analysis. This course combines theoretical introduction
and computing practices using the free software environment R. Previous
knowledge in R is not required. Participants are encouraged to bring their own
data for practicing. Emphasis is placed on offering participants a wide overview
of network modelling in biology and the many available software tools to do it.

Organized by: Transmitting Science, the Institut Catalá de Paleontologia Miquel
 Crusafont and the Council of Hostalets de Pierola.

Please feel free to distribute this information between your colleagues if you
 consider it appropriate.

With best regards

Soledad De Esteban Trivigno, PhD.
Course Director
Transmitting Science

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