The Sevilleta Field Station will be offering two classes this summer,
Southwest Field Ecology and Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics, which are
described below.  These courses can be taken for advance undergraduate or
graduate credit.

Note that the date for application for admissions to UNM for summer is May

Biology 419/519: Southwest Field Ecology (3 cr)

Dates and Locations: June 3-11 at the Sevilleta and Trail End Ranch Field

Description: This course will focus on the ecology near two field station
sites in New Mexico: the UNM Sevilleta Field Station in the middle Rio
Grande Valley, and the Albuquerque Academy Trail End Ranch Field Station in
the Gila Wilderness. During this intensive field course, students will
visit the major habitats and biomes of the middle and lower Rio Grande
Valley, learn to identify the predominant animal and plant species, observe
ecological roles and relationships and make connections between the local
abiotic factors that determine biotic structure. We will also cover topics
in data collection and complete a comparative analysis
of the ecology of the two Field Station sites.

Instructors: Rich Anderson ( or 828-3227), Terry Dunn ( or 821-8901)

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor (contact:

Course Fees: Tuition (approx. $800) plus $550 to cover lodging, food and

Undergraduates should enroll in Biology 419. Graduates should enroll in
Biology 519.

Biology 410/510: Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics (4 cr)

Dates and Location: July 14-19 at Sevilleta Field Field Station

Description: This course will combine hands-on laboratory and field
activities, lectures and computer exercises to explore modern genomic
approaches to the study of ecology and evolution. The course will take
place over six full days, Monday through Saturday.  Topics to be covered
include acquisition of sequence data, modern metagenomic and transcriptomic
approaches to ecology, an introduction to computational biology, genome
evolution, and genomic approaches to evolutionary biology.  We will also
visit field sites to discuss research associated with UNM’s Long-Term
Ecological Research Program at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge.
Lectures and laboratory exercises will be conducted in the Sevilleta
Education and Research facility, a state of the art facility with beautiful
views of the Rio Grande valley and Los Pinos mountains.

Instructors: Don Natvig, Dan Colman, Miriam Hutchinson

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor (contact:

Course Fees: Tuition (approx. $1000) plus $255 to cover lodging and
transportation. Undergraduates
should enroll in Biology 410. Graduates should enroll in Biology 510.

For additional information, please contact Don Natvig ( or

Note for non-UNM students:  Tuition for UNM summer classes is the same for
New Mexico residents and non-residents.  The application for summer
admission is 1 May 2014. Admissions website:

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