The unPAK project (undergraduates Phenotyping Arabidopsis Knockouts - seeks a project manager to coordinate activities 
across 10 participating institutions. The unPAK project is collecting 
phenotypic information associated with Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA insertion 
mutants and includes extensive involvement of undergraduate researchers. 
This project addresses broad questions in ecological genomics and is 
developing a phenotypic resource for the Arabidopsis and evolutionary 
genomic communities.

The project manager will be responsible for communication between 
institutions, seed stock production, seed distribution, data curation, and 
management of participating undergraduates. The position will be located at 
the College of Charleston, and will involve travel to other participating 

We seek a candidate who is organized, energetic, and has strong 
communication skills. A successful candidate will have professional, 
diplomatic and leadership qualities. Ideally the candidate will bring 
experience working in a field or laboratory setting with plants. The 
position has ample opportunities for developing management skills and for 
publishing research. Interested individuals with undergraduate, master’s or 
doctoral degrees are welcome to apply.

Specific responsibilities
 distribution of protocols to new partner schools
 travel to institutions to train participants in phenotyping and data 
 grow plants with student help to bulk seeds for distribution
 maintain seed-stock records
 coordinate seed stocks to be shipped.
 maintain of tissue and genotype records
 assist PI and CoPIs with maintaining CURE (course-based undergraduate 
research experience) plants
 format datasheets for downstream bioinformatics analyses
 upkeep experiment log
 maintain an already existing cyber-presence including the project 
and the project google wiki site
 maintain contact information for all participants
 initial training of students in lab procedures
 contribute to newsletters, organize joint meetings (both virtual and 
 podcast and vodcast development

For more information about the position, please contact us at:
Matt Rutter (
Courtney Murren (
Allan Strand (
Department of Biology
College of Charleston
Charleston SC USA

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