Dear list members,
Registration is open for the course "INTRODUCTION TO NETWORK TOOLS IN
BIOSCIENCES - 2nd Edition".
Course Webpage:

INSTRUCTORS: Dr. Diego Rasskin-Gutman (Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i
Biologia Evolutiva, Spain) and Dr. Borja Esteve-Altava (Institut Cavanilles de
Biodiversitat i Biologia Evolutiva, Spain).
DATES: April, 20-24, 2014. 34 teaching hours. 

PLACE:  Facilities of the Centre de Restauració i Interpretació de Els Hostalets
de Pierola, Els hostalets de Pierola,  Barcelona (Spain). 

- Complex Biological Systems: Modelling Relations: Historical and conceptual
introduction. Basic concepts and representations.

- Hands on Computers: Introduction to R: Presentation of the R environment and
language. Basic operations in R (useful for network modelling). Packages

- Hands on Computers: Introduction to igraph and Network Modelling: Presentation
of the package igraph. Modelling deterministic networks. Manipulating network
attributes. Modelling networks from loaded data.

- Complex Biological Systems: Applied Network Theory: Nodes, links and types of
networks. Basic network parameters. Network architecture and null network

- Work Example: Analysing parameters and architecture in tetrapod skull

- Hands on Computers: Analysing Networks: Quantifying basic network parameters.
Identifying network architecture.

- Work Example: Null network models of skull development to study evolution.

- Hands on Computers: Modelling Network Null Models: Regular and random models.
Small-world and scale-free models. Geometric models.

 - Complex Biological Systems: Network Properties: Robustness and the concept of
secondary extinction. Modularity.

- Work Example: Modularity in skull networks.

- Hands on Computers: Identifying Modules: Optimization methods. Heuristic
methods. Quantifying the strength of modularity.

 - Participants Project Preparation. Bringing your own data is not required for
this part, but you are welcome to do so if you have it.

Organized by: Transmitting Science, the Institut Catalá de Paleontologia Miquel
 Crusafont and the Council of Hostalets de Pierola. 

Please feel free to distribute this information between your colleagues if you
 consider it appropriate. 

With best regards 

Soledad De Esteban Trivigno, PhD. 
Course Director 
Transmitting Science 

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