PhD Student position on "Ecology of Carbon Cycling and Greenhouse Dynamics in 
Tropical Peatlands" 
at the School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

A PhD graduate student position is available to study the "Ecology of Carbon 
Cycling and Greenhouse 
Dynamics in Tropical Peatlands" is available at the group of Prof Hinsby 
Cadillo-Quiroz at Arizona 
State University ( Position will start on Fall 2015 
through the 
"Environmental Life Sciences" (ELS) PhD program (

A high number of tropical peatlands recently reported in the Western Amazon 
basin represent a major 
unknown in the make up of regional carbon (C) budgets, accounts of greenhouse 
gas fluxes and 
possible climate effects on C storage and decomposition in this key region of 
the world. As part of a 
collaborative NSF-funded research, this PhD position will evaluate questions on 
the links of primary 
productivity, climate-related manipulations, organic C decomposition and 
greenhouse gas emissions 
from peatland in the Western Amazon (primarily Peru). Microbial activity, 
molecular (microbial omics) 
and modeling (ecosystems and microbial) approaches will also be integrated 
within this research 
work. This research aims to provide student with a multi-disciplinary training 
working in an 
interdisciplinary research team (PIs from ASU, University of Arizona and Purdue 
University), and 
facilitate establishing international research and collaborations.

Candidates with background in ecology, forestry, field biology, and with 
extraordinary interest for a 
multidisciplinary integration with microbial ecology and soil geochemistry are 
highly encourage to 
apply for this position. A MS degree is highly desired, while applicants with a 
BS degree and 
substantial relevant experience will also be considered. Excellent English 
writing and verbal 
communication skills, as well as the ability to work in a team, are essential 
(revise ELS program 
requisites about TEOFL for International applicants, and GRE for all 
Fieldwork will be significant with months-long expeditions in the Peruvian 
Amazon; hence availability 
for and experience with international travel and working proficiency in Spanish 
or Portuguese will be 
favorably considered. 

Environmental Life Sciences @ASU
Environmental Life Sciences (ELS) is a novel graduate degree program that 
provides PhD-level training 
in several complementary fields focused on interactions between organisms 
(plant, animal or microbe) 
and their environment. ELS provides trans-disciplinary training that includes 
aspects of biology, 
geosciences, chemistry/biochemistry, environmental engineering, sustainability, 
social sciences, and 
mathematics. Students from non-traditional backgrounds or traditional 
backgrounds looking to 
develop mainly interdisciplinary research find this as an excellent home for 
their professional 

ELS, is co-lead by the School of Life Sciences (SOLS), along with five other 
units, at Arizona State 
University. With over 100 professors across most fields of biology 
(, SOLS 
is considered a leading institution in biological sciences education and 
research (ranked in top 25 in 
the world in 2011). With extensive facilities, research support and scholarship 
programs, SOLS is 
continuously adapting and developing solutions to current world problems 
through interdisciplinary 
and integrative research. See more details at

Application Process:
Students are encouraged to prepare and submit applications to the ELS PhD 
program following their 
listed requisites (see and keeping in mind the 
December 15 deadline. 
Importantly, while preparing application, the candidate must get in touch with 
Prof. Cadillo-Quiroz 
(hinsby(at) to discuss interests or questions. Position is planned to 
start on Fall 2015.

Arizona State University is an institution committed to excellence through 
diversity. Women and 
minorities are highly encouraged to apply.

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