

We'd appreciate it if you would post the following announcement on the
Ecolog listserve:


"Using Native Plant Materials in Restoration" 
special Natural Areas Journal issue

To be published January 2015! 

The January 2015 special issue of the Natural Areas Journal (NAJ), sponsored
by the Bureau of Land Management, is dedicated to 'Using Native Plant
Materials in Restoration'.
Materials_In_Restoration_Articles_List_web_2_.pdf> Articles will include the
latest research, concepts, and best management practices. This issue will be
50% larger than a regular Journal issue, with important information that you
will not find anywhere else.


Don't miss the opportunity to obtain your own copy of this very special
Journal (www.naturalareas.org/journal) issue, which will serve as an
enduring go-to reference for land management professionals: botanists,
restoration ecologists, fire rehabilitation specialists, wildlife managers,
land stewards and many others charged with restoration of natural areas.

In addition, ,the NAA, our partners and other organizations will also use
this special issue to promote and educate decision-makers on the importance
of using native seed and plants in managing and restoring habitat. 

.         Join the NAA by December 31st to automatically receive your copy
of the Native Plants in Restoration special issue. Visit:
or email us.

*       You can pre-order extra copies by emailing the NAA at




Many thanks!


Deb Kraus

Director of Operations

Natural Areas Association


Ph 541-317-0199

Fax 541-317-0140

PO Box 1504, Bend, OR 97709



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