Anyone studying aquatic or semi-aquatic mammals, please see the query from my 
colleague Clay Nielsen ( below.

-- Eric

Eric M. Schauber, Ph.D.
Wildlife Ecologist -- Cooperative Wildlife Research Lab
Associate Professor -- Dept. of Zoology
Member -- Center for Ecology
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
From: Clayton K Nielsen
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2015 2:20 PM
To: Eric M Schauber
Subject: Would you please post this to any listservs...tws...esa...etc? Thanks!


I may edit a special issue for the Journal of Contemporary Water Research and 
Education about aquatic/semi-aquatic mammals.  Before I pitch this idea more 
widely, I'd like to see who is potentially interested in submitting a paper 
(please see info about the journal below).  If you may be interested, please 
let me know.  Great opportunity to get out some human dimensions/policy type 
stuff along with ecology/conservation.  For example, I intend to submit a short 
paper that covers our population modeling efforts for river otters in Illinois, 

Thanks for considering,

Clay Nielsen

Clayton K. Nielsen, PhD, Certified Wildlife Biologist
Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Assistant Chair and Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Forestry
Cooperative Wildlife Research Laboratory
Center for Ecology
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901-6504; 618-453-6930

About the journal/issue:

The Universities Council on Water Resources is a multi-disciplinary association 
of primarily North American universities dedicated to the advancement of 
research, education and service in water resources. Its principal publication, 
the Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education (formerly Water 
Resources Update), is a peer-reviewed journal (but not indexed widely nor with 
an index factor) published both on paper and in electronic form on 
Wiley-Blackwell's Synergy website 
(<>) where they can be 
downloaded by researchers, educators, and policy-makers around the world. 
Articles published in JCWRE are widely recognized for their concise clarity and 
relevance to critical water resources issues and principles.

We would like to see the proposed issue on "Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Wildlife" 
contain papers on science, policy, and human dimensions topics.  If the science 
papers could blend in some policy and management implications, that would be 
great.  We are looking at a November 2015 publication date for this issue, so 
would like to see a proposed Table of Contents by April 1 and we would want all 
draft papers submitted by July 1.


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