But Abad, the point was about the people who *are* sufficiently privileged to 
take those kinds of positions, and that historically, those people were mainly 
white and male. I didn't see those comments as gratuitous at all. That is what 
that system gave us.
Jason Hernandez

Date:    Tue, 2 Jun 2015 12:23:32 +0000
From:    Abad Boiy <abadb...@noone.neomailbox.net>
Subject: Article about unpaid internships

I initially read this blog post about unpaid internships with great  
interest and much support.  But then I came to the gratuitous racist  
statements about 'white guys', e.g.,

'Times have changed, we don't just need well off white guys anymore,  
and that is what that system gave us.'

My questions is what does a person's race have to do with any of this?  
  Nothing.  There are lots of underprivileged people who would never  
be able to take an unpaid internship and who happened to have been  
born white and male.

It is wrong and unjust to disparage an entire race and gender of  
people regardless of whether is a white male or black female or Native  

Every human being has the right to be treated with respect and  
dignity, regardless of their race and gender.  Is that asking too much?


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