Registration will close soon for the 2016 Asilomar conference of the 
American Society of Naturalists and there are only a few spots left! 
The American Society of Naturalists will be holding a small independent 
meeting at the Asilomar Conference Center on the Monterey Peninsula in 
coastal California, January 10-14, 2016. 

In addition to fantastic symposia, this year's program includes Natural 
History  Quizbowl, a debate on "The Niche", and bonfire socials to cap 
off the  day. The faculty:student ratio is also really high, and the 
conference  size is small, so it should be a great opportunity for early 
career  scientists and graduate students to network and get feedback on 
research. There are only a few spots left so start getting together your 
trivia teams and register soon!

Information about the conference can be found on the conference website: including a general schedule and information 
about three afternoon symposia and exiting evening events. 
To register, visit:
Lodging must be booked separately:

We look forward to seeing you there! 
Volker Rudolf
ASN Organizing Committee Chair

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