
We have a Seedburo 801 Count-a-Pak Seed Counter that works very well for many 
species in the collections of Dixon National Tallgrass Prairie Seed Bank. Seed 
counts for Species with microseeds, and other small-seeded species are 
estimated by weight, as they are too small to be handled correctly.


Pati Vitt, PhD
Curator, Dixon National Tallgrass Prairie Seed Bank
Chicago Botanic Garden

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On Sep 18, 2015, at 10:28 AM, Houseman, Gregory 
<<>> wrote:

Does anyone know of a commercial seed counting machine that might work for 
prairie seed?  Although some species will be too difficult to be handled by a 
seed counter (e.g. grass seeds such as big bluestem), I wonder if some of the 
modern approaches (laser counters, ultra-fast photographic counters, etc) that 
are used in the commercial seed industry could be adapted for prairie seed.

Thank you

Gregory R. Houseman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Wichita State University

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